DISCLAIMER: To all the men out there, arm yourselves with one of these!!!
Boy what a difference a day makes, cause today my momentum is L-o-o-w. Just not feeling it today. Actually I not feeling for people, and I'm on a very short fuse, so I hope my "micro managing" boss stays away! Side note: Don't you just hate "micro managers..." Have you ever thought of knocking your boss' block off??? What about a dear unsupsecting associate, or flaky friend. Why is during this time of the month, we women feel to tell the god "awful" truth to someone, in the most "blunt" of ways (whom I'm kidding, I'm blunt everyday).
What was the big deal about this apple that Eve bit, that we women are still serving her felon sentence to this day???? What was in it darn apple anyway, Eden version of "pcp?" (Last I checked an apple was suppose to be good for ya) But... no God saw it other wise, and thus sentenced Eve/Women to be aware of our bodies, endure God awful labor pains, and have a monthly "horrid" reminder called our PERIODS... where in much we get to express our gratitude for this gift from Eve, with feelings of: sadness, anger, lost, down, clingy, worried, woke-up-this-morning-and-got-myself-gun, junk food cravings, not to mention the different degrees of menstrual cramps, and one tell tale sign that the gift is coming from Eve each month is our "MOODINESS." (Pay attention fellas, I had a roomate who use to mark mine and his girlfriends time down on his calendar, and stay clear those days. Smart guy).
Now what did God give all the "Adams" of the world, oh took it easy on them.
Morning Hard Ons, Jock Itch, occasional Blue Balls (and I due mean occasional, cause you can always call "Hannah" and her five sisters). Oh yeah and how could I forget he sentened them to watch PORNO. Way to Go God! Look out for your Boyz. If I remember correctly Adam bit the damn apple too, which makes him an accomplice, he should of gotten a stiffer sentence, oh yeah (some of) ya'll did (Receding Hairlines, and mid life crisis... can't say the trade off is fair) But then again, I've seen some of ya'll behind the ear hair lines... lol! All right God we're even. (By the way...Are you a woman? lol)
hey morning hard ons and jock itch are serious issues lol