Disclaimer: When Going thru a storm... Keep Going....
Statistics show that during Full Moons, people are more likely to kill, be at war, or go crazy. Above all more "freak" accidents and ass-backward occurrences are likely to take place during a Full Moon than any other absurd time in your already crazy life.
Welcome to my freaky week! Where even something as simple as taking time to blog was not in the cards. The corky side of me has always paid attention moments of clairvoyance, where my energy, stamina and focus is heightened, where procrastination is not even an option, its during these times that I can't sleep, up to the wee hours of the morning doing something creative and productive, its usually during a Full Moon, that I am my best.
This "Lunatic" go round however, it was not in the cards for me to be creative, as my best was put to the test; as one assbackward thang, after another assbackward thang, came to test me. To my Lunar suprise, I was like that of a cucumber, cool calm and reserved. Whoah? (Not me... I'm a straight Drama Queen, matter a fact I teach Drama Queen no-etiquette workshops...lol) This calm me, left me with a whirlwind of ephiphanies, that I'm going to sum up Brooklyn Style: "Shit don't happen to break you, shit happens to make you!"
(what are you made of? Rock Paper Scissors...)
Enjoy your week peeps! And don't be howling @ the moon!