I am from the Do or Die... Never Ran. Never Will. (Unless of course... they shootin') Easy!"
May 19, 2006
5 Births of Babe...Friday (Day 5)
Friday's child is loving and giving.... Today I gave into an extra 1/2 hour of sleep as I listened to a concert of rain beat against my window pane. Bless. I gave my pillow a 5 minute bon vonyage kiss. Parting is such SWEET sorrow.....
Sssh! she's writing.. brooklyn babe5/19/2006 
  • At 19/5/06 1:49 PM, Blogger DramaFree said…

    I know the feeling..I could sleep all day when it's raining out.

  • At 19/5/06 8:14 PM, Blogger the prisoner's wife said…

    i definitely know the feeling. today i slept an extra hour & was a little late for work, but it was definitely worth it.

  • At 19/5/06 8:58 PM, Blogger Nika Laqui said…

    Girl I know, thats the only thing I hate about going to work, kissing the bed goodbye...*lol*

  • At 22/5/06 12:26 PM, Blogger Charles said…

    I feel you on that...and why do you always find that heavenly spot on the pillow when it's time for you to get up??

  • At 23/5/06 10:38 AM, Blogger Amadeo said…

    Me and my pillow have an understanding that I should not leave it so early in the day...it's like an abandoned child and needs to know I'm there for it. I wouldn't want to let it down.

  • At 23/5/06 3:17 PM, Blogger brooklyn babe said…

    @ Living S..... Sup babes!

    @ Beauty... oh on a dreay day, a pillow is necessary!

    @ the prisoner wife... the late morning.. have you coming in singing... and LATE. Lol./

    @ nsane... ditto

    @ charles.. aint it the sweetest spot fo' real? lol

    @Obi... 10am??? Shame on you!

    @Amadeo...See your a good Pillow Parent..lol.

  • At 23/5/06 6:22 PM, Blogger brooklyn babe said…

    @ Trouble... aint they hot! Its trouble when I'm in the them! Lol

  • At 25/5/06 5:10 PM, Blogger Didi Roby said…

    Such a way with words ma! I hate going to work when sleep is at rght type of sleep...feel me?

    What's good love?

  • At 26/5/06 10:23 AM, Blogger brooklyn babe said…

    @Didi.... I'm feeling U.

  • At 26/5/06 11:53 AM, Blogger Brea said…

    I love the sound of rain at night - morning, not so much. Have a great weekend - looks like you've already had a great week!

  • At 4/6/06 3:56 AM, Blogger brooklyn babe said…

    Nothing like the rain we have been experience these past couple of days... can you say... ZZZZZzzzzz!

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Name: brooklyn babe
Home: Somewhere, East Coast, United States
About Me: Brooklyn (Bajan) Brit, who's finally carving her 30's niche, in this world. Look out Oprah here I come!
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